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Financial Control

Alvaro acts an external Financial Controller for Concrete Investments’ Spanish subsidiary and brings broad experience and understanding of the financial and tax aspects of the Spanish real estate sector. His entrepreneurial approach transmits to our team and to our clients applied solutions in specific complex matters while prioritising and optimising the business angle. Alvaro's expertise, strong analytical abilities and technical knowledge clearly put our company ahead when developing our financial strategies, maximising resources and minimising associated risks. 


Alvaro helps our company to keep improving the overall business performance through effective financial control implementation, giving the management make better-informed decisions that ultimately lead to more sustainable growth over time.


Graduated as an Industrial Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and in Business Administration and Management from the Open University of Catalonia, he completed a master’s degree in Tax  Advice and Management by the ESADE Law School. He is a member of the College of Economists of Catalonia and is regularly in the digital press on tax matters. Alvaro, a partner at Gibernau Associates, founded in 1979, a tax, legal and accounting advisory firm based in Barcelona 

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